
Need help? Use the links below to solve your site issues.

  • I have problems logging in
  • Check the expiry date of your log-in details. If you have renewed recently, you will probably have a new password, and your username may have changed; check with your named contact for Linguascope for these details. If your details are still valid, try accessing the site from a different computer.
  • If your account has expired, you can find resubscription details at this link. If you need a reminder of your username and password sent to the school's main contact, please contact us to request this.
  • Linguascope Live won't load
  • Linguascope Live runs on a different server from the main Linguascope site, which may not be getting through filter or firewall settings. Ask your network admin staff to add the following URLs to your list of safe / trusted sites in the network settings: (TCP port 3000)
  • The Recaptcha / 'are you a robot' / log-in verification tick box won't work
  • It may be that your school network filter or firewall is blocking the Recaptcha from loading. Linguascope uses the CloudFlare Turnstile system, and it may help to add to your network's list of safe / trusted sites or whitelist. Network administrators can learn more about the CloudFlare Turnstile for troubeshooting at this link.
  • The Recaptcha / log-in verification tick box appears constantly
  • Linguascope uses the CloudFlare Turnstile system to protect against site attacks, and its checks are based on your school's IP address. Check with your network admin staff to ensure that dynamic IP settings are not presenting the network as a brand new, unknown connection each time the login page is loaded.
  • There is no sound in the activities
  • On some tablets and other mobile devices, the 'soft mute' switch may be toggled to the 'on' position. This will prevent sounds from playing in the app or the website. Toggling this back to 'off' should allow sounds to play again.
    Note that some games also have a mute switch included, usually in the top-right corner; make sure you toggle this just in case it is set to 'mute' mode.
  • The soft mute control on an iPad running iOS 14.3.
  • Alternatively, if sounds persistently fail to load, it may be due to local blocking or filtering. The majority of sounds are loaded into the Linguascope activities as MP3 files. Some schools set up a blanket block on MP3 files to prevent students from downloading them on school machines, but that also means that Linguascope's sound files can be blocked. In this case, it is usually possible for your network administrator to make an exception for these kinds of files specifically for the site.
  • It may also help to request that your administrator add, and to your network filter or firewall's list of safe or trusted sites, also known as whitelisting.
  • Some / all of the pictures / sounds / words are not loading
  • This is usually due to the firewall or Internet filter settings on your computer or network. Certain kinds of file, or certain words on webpages or in filenames, may be on a banned list to prevent students from accessing unsuitable online content. Occasionally, they can block legitimate files unintentionally. You should check that XML, JPG and MP3 files are not blocked by your filter or firewall. It can sometimes also help to ask your network administrator or local authority broadband provider to add the following URLs to your network list of trusted / safe sites:

    Linguascope does link to certain third-party libraries which should be allowed on your network. These are:
  • Similarly, some sections contain text which may partially match school networks' lists of 'blocked words' or similar. This is particularly possible for sections such as 'Society' in the intermediate sections, where some vocabulary deals with social problems. Adding and to your network's list of trusted / safe sites can help mitigate this problem.
  • Games are not loading fully
  • Ensure that the following URLs are added to your school network's list of safe or trusted sites:


    Also ensure that MP3 downloads are not blocked by your school network, as Linguascope uses this format for native speaker sound files.
  • The app isn't working
  • First of all, ensure that your device is running the most up-to-date version of its operating system, and check your platform's app store to make sure that you have the latest version of the app. You can find links to all of our apps on this page.
  • If there are still problems, follow the advice above to ensure that MP3 and other library files are not blocked by your school network, and that Linguascope's main content URLs are in your local list of safe / trusted sites.
  • Remember also that all our website content should run on most mobile device browsers via your normal logon on the front page.
  • I purchased an app subscription but it isn't showing
  • If you have an app subscription that does not seem to have been applied, you should find a 'Restore purchases' option in the app (for example, in Beginners, it is accessed via the 'My Subscription' link on the screen when you click 'buy' next to a language). Make sure that you are logged on to the same account on your device used to make the subscription purchase. Subscriptions are platform-specific and not usually transferrable.
  • Restoring purchases in the Beginner app for iOS
  • I can't get the apps to download on my Chromebook
  • Linguascope's Android apps should run on most recent Chromebook devices. You will need to have permission to access and install apps from Google Play; please check with your school network administrator if this is not the case. For more information about compatibility, please refer to this link.
  • The website is very slow
  • The Linguascope website is hosted on multiple servers to guarantee that the load of traffic is always balanced. The site can therefore cope with intense traffic and we rarely have reports of widespread problems. If you experience persistent 'slowness', the problem is likely to be an issue with bandwidth on the school site. It is the school's responsibility to ensure that the local Internet connection can cope with multiple connections to the site. Due to the multitude of school network configurations, we regret that we will be unable to advise on details in this regard.
  • Note that slow loading may sometimes be due to security software running on your network. Following the steps in the points above to add Linguascope to your local safe and trusted sites list can mitigate this.
  • Loading time for the activities should also improve after the first run on an individual machine, as the game file is normally cached by the browser on your computer.
  • Some students can log on but others can't
  • It could be that there is too much traffic on your school broadband connection. If all students log on at the same time but only some are successful, it could be that local restrictions are preventing all browsers from loading the website simultaneously.
  • It is also important to check that there are no cookie-blockers or similar add-ons enabled in the browser. Cookies are used to store information about the currently logged-on session.
  • I cannot find the student materials
  • Schools are issued with two sets of login details : one for pupils and one for staff. Only your student login details will take you to the student materials, while your staff login gives you access to resources for teachers. Make sure you are using the correct login for the materials you require.
  • If you are using the correct login details but are still experiencing problems, refer to the 'Forgotten Password' section.
  • I cannot find the teacher materials on the site
  • Printable worksheets are located in their respective topic sections within each part of the site. For instance, to locate the Beginner French worksheet on Fruit, navigate to French > Beginner > Fruit, where you will see a link to download the worksheet.

    For other teacher resources including the Image Bank, Webinars section and printable answer sheets, ensure that you are logging in with the teacher username and password that you were issued with, as these resources are found in the Teacher Portal.
  • The worksheets will not open
  • All worksheets are PDF documents and you need PDF reader software such as Adobe Reader to open them.
  • If you have Adobe Reader set up on your computer but are still experiencing problems:
  • · Make sure you the version you have is the latest one.
  • · If you get a blank screen when trying to open a worksheet from the website, try refreshing or reloading the browser screen.
  • · Occasionally, a file may only partially download, in which case the PDF will not open. In this case, try to download the file again.
  • · Check that you are using the latest version of your Internet browser, as some older versions may have problems displaying PDF documents.
  • How do I view the site on my mobile device / iPad?
  • The website is accessible on mobile devices and the activities should run in all modern browsers. We also offers a range of native apps for Android, iOS and Microsoft devices - click here for more information.
  • My problem is not listed here
  • Your first step should be to approach your IT technician as more often than not, it is just a matter of clearing your browser cache or changing the settings mentioned in the sections above on your school network.
  • If issues persist, you can send us an e-mail to let us know what your problem is. In your message, please be very specific and give as much information as possible to help us identify the problem, including screenshots if possible; these really help us to troubleshoot when diagnosing issues remotely.

Don't see your problem on this list? Get in touch with Linguascope Technical Support via our Contacts Page. Please provide as much detail as possible, including screenshots where applicable, and we will do our best to sort your issue.
